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Regain Natural Hearing without hearing aids or operation*
Hearing Aids will not regain but reduce the hearing capacity and its only Amplification Device
In an audiogram they detect only lowest level of your hearing sound levels. Since hearing sound is not always equal  to hearing with clarity the failure of hearing aids also occurs. Now your search for regaining natural hearing ends with Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital. Treatment for certain more complicated hearing conditions where no result even after hearing aid usage where  treated by us to help them hear comfortably in case condition is treatable.

With due respect to all, it is our duty to explain our treatments so that every people who suffers from hearing loss may have a ray of hope to their condition.

“Science is not full and each system of medicine has its own way of seeing to body condition in its unique way of understanding”

Because of the subject needs explanation we like to bring to notice certain references for it.

“As per WHO, ‘A person who is not able to hear as well as someone with normal hearing – hearing thresholds of 25 decibel(a unit to measure intensity of sound) or better in both ears – is said to have hearing loss’.   Hearing impaired people can be hard of hearing (HOH) or deaf. ‘Hard of hearing’ refers to people with hearing loss ranging from mild to severe. They usually communicate through spoken language. If a person cannot hear at all, then they have deafness. They are unable to hear and understand even a shouted voice.”

Reference National Health Portal

Like Diabetics hearing loss is also have types as follows,

  1. Conductive hearing loss - TREATABLE

  2. Sensorineural hearing loss - TREATABLE

  3. Mixed hearing loss - TREATABLE

  4. Neural deafness (even thunder sound can't be heared if it is neural deafness)

  5. Central deafness

As I stated already “science is not full”, we humans till date not have all explanations for human health condition and think that word IDIOPATHIC CAUSE is full explanation itself shows our inability to accept the fact. For any science to grow, accepting facts are important.

All this objections are due to poor understanding and explanation for type Sensorineural hearing loss. The problem is created by manipulation of medical terminology and poor understanding on the same.

The statement of all sensorineural hearing loss is due to hair cell damage is  false and mislead a medical practioner.

Misleading medical practioner by poor explanations is much dangerous as it’s a matter of life and dead for many sufferers. These types of poor understanding lead to poor explanations of condition to patient, leading to many undesired reactions by patient towards condition.

Sensorineural hearing loss Neural Hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss Hair cell Damage

Sensorineural hearing loss includes,

***Prevalence as per our experience

1. Inability or restricted movement of Oval window or Round window part of cochlea Prevalence <40%

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aid

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: Medication and marmachikitsa for improving movements and improve hearing. Counseling

2. Inability of wave to reach the hair cells to convert in to signal (cochlea pressure, endolymph & perilymph mixing etc.,). Prevalence <40 %

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aid

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: Preventing cochlea pressure. Medication and marmachikitsa for improving movements and improve hearing. Counseling

3. Auditory Neuropathy/Auditory Dyssynchrony (AN/AD) is present when patients have normal outer hair cell function in the cochlea, but the VIIIth nerve that carries electrical signals to the brain has responses that are dyssynchronous. Prevalence >1%

Treatment option in modern medicine: ABI may be recommended as cochlea implant also poor result

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: Vataharachiktisa may help.

Counseling& options to communicate with others is explained.

4. Partial Hair cell damage.  Prevalence<4%

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aids may help in channelizing sound to particular frequency area of cochlea to help hearing with residual hearing hair cell. Cochlea implant may help.

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: Preventing cochlea pressure. Medication and marmachikitsa for improving movements and improve hearing with residual hair cells. Counseling& options to communicate with others is explained

5. Total Hair cell damage. Prevalence <4%

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aids or cochlea implant may not work to fetch result. A.B.I may help

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: WE DON’T TREAT SUCH CONDITIONS.

Advices for options available given.

Counseling& options to communicate with others explained.

6. Auditory nerve cut , compression , congenital absence of cochlea(rare), Mondini dysplasia. Prevalence <1%

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aids or cochlea implant may not work to fetch result. A.B.I may help

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: WE DON’T TREAT SUCH CONDITIONS.

Advices for options available given.

Counseling& options to communicate with others  is explained.

7. Central deafness: hearing loss or impairment resulting from defects in the central nervous system (as in the auditory cortex) rather than in the ear itself or the auditory nerve. Prevalence <1%

Treatment option in modern medicine: Hearing aids or cochlea implant, A.B.I will not work to fetch result.

Treatment option in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital: WE DON’T TREAT SUCH CONDITIONS.

Counseling& options to communicate with others explained.

Rest of <10% conditions come under  conductive hearing loss of which most of the conditions are treated by us without operation paving way for improved hearing capacity.

***Prevalence as per our experience

It is unfair to brand all the types as hair cell damage and saying can't be treated as from above table points 5,6,7 is actually <6% is  not treatable by medicine.

I hope my explanations on subject given light to understand our claims.

Like a tamil proverb “To know a pot full of rice cooked or not, taking a piece of rice and pressing is enough”I hope above explanation & below audiogram on regaining hearing capacity through treatment is enough to substantiate with evidence.

In order to promote hearing aids and suppressing the medical facts is big offence to humanity. Our explanations now purely believing in humanity and justice. Because of poor understanding and explanation to patient outside  many have taken hard decision without any willingness and purly out of choice.

Providing ray of hope to live and lead life is first duty of a physician and hence our public awareness programs happening.

Doctor takes a careful history of patient's condition by seeing old audiograms at different times and physical examination of auditory canal will be done to check the nature of ear drum and its association with bone, later the auditory capacity of both ears will be tested either through voice test as audiogram only deal with hearing sound and not reading for hearing with clarity. Audible level of both ears Before Treatment at different distance from source of sound to check clarity levels is tested and record of results are noted in testing card to assess condition. Depending upon hearing level the treatment duration for which medicine to be administered will be said and for each sitting the treatment duration will be reviewed.
Patients taking Blood thinners , Tablets for Blood pressure, Treatment for seizure disorder (FITS) etc., Kindly state your condition to doctor & bring the names & dose of tablets to assess better.
If doctor consider the patient condition is fit for the treatment then only the patient will be taken to treatment. in case patient is prepared for treatment, the patient is taken to treatment. Depending upon condition of patient, the treatment will differ and our treatment is unique ayurvedic treatment where patient is made to instill 10 drops of our unique ayurvedic medicine and made to shake three parts of ear and clearly swap medicine fully within one minute after which the Marma chikitsha done to patient after which patient will clearly hear lower decibel sounds clearly and result will be evident and shown to all. Only after showing the rise in hearing levels and upon satisfaction over result from attender and patient treatment charge is collected. 
Tinittus, Hearing loss, Hearing without clarity, Can`t able to hear even after using hearing aids are treated by our treatment. For opinion on your condition you may send audiogram via whatsapp +919965443441 which will be usually answered within 12 hours by doctor.
KINDLY GO THROUGH OUR MENU FOR DETAILS ON Hearing loss, TinittusMeniere's disease
Types of Hearing Loss


Dr.S.Giridharan B.A.M.S., is the son of Late Dr.Samigiri Siddhar who was renowned doctor for treating hearing impairment and with several records of conducting mass hearing regain camps and started this treatment in 1965 cured several lakh of people for several decades. With knowledge transferred from his father and with modern scientific approach to excel the science for treating hard to hear people by continuous research in field of Hearing loss and speech development with passion and zeal to help the needy had developed this science and remains as ray of hope for people with hearing impairment. Helping hearing loss and mute children with hearing improvement treatment and to improve verbal communication with our software 'SAKTHI' which is done for people of 104 language shows broader vision to help rise the speech of speechless. 

Sparing his family he started to provide his service crossing the boundaries of city and state by conducting his awareness medical camp in many parts of india like Mumbai,Delhi, Kolkatta, Bangalore, Chennai etc., apart from his practice in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital in Coimbatore.

To make this service to help people across the boundaries of city and state, he started his his special camps by conducting his awareness medical camps to provide the people with hearing loss their dream of regaining natural hearing and lead a life without hearing aids. People with very profound hearing for whom even using hearing aids did not have any experience of clear sound also made to hear with hearing aids as there are certain level of comfortable hearing required to lead a life without dependency and confidence. Currently we have our medical camps in many parts of india like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkatta, Chennai etc., apart from his practice in Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital in Coimbatore.

Our instant reply may be quick, but Doctor's opinion for your audiogram might take 12 hrs. So kindly wait after sending audiogram
or Call +919965443441 

Our instant reply may be quick, but Doctor's opinion for your audiogram might take 12 hrs. So kindly wait after sending audiogram


Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital, 

No:17; V.C.V Layout, Flower market,

Coimbatore- 641001,  Tamilnadu. +919965443441

Coimbatore - Salem - Chennai - Mumbai


© 2016 Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital WWW.SRIGIRI.IN

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